Csecklist Csallenge

Happy Dark Cold Winter and welcome to the Csecklist Csallenge!
Are you wishing for a little support in making it through to the end of March (or even just to 2024) without slipping all the way under? Join the Csecklist Csallenge and we’ll all get through it together.

Here’s how it works: You join and download my User’s Guide and the checklist template on Google Sheets. Spend a few minutes reading the User’s Guide and considering what daily practices you want to include on your version of the checklist, and then put them in your checklist and save to your Google Drive. Then every day, just go through the items on your checklist and check them off (you can access the checklist spreadsheet on a laptop or on your phone).

If you want to check in with other people, join the Discord server and check in and talk to other people in the Csallenge. (You can do Discord through a computer or with an app on your phone. It’s like Slack, but not commercial and with no ads. Gamers have been using it forever, so ask someone under the age of 28 to walk you through signing up for an account. We’re using Discord because it doesn’t fund megalomaniacs and anyone can use it without giving up privacy.)
Choose how much you want to pay to do the Csecklist Csallenge: This year we’re having people pay monthly, so it isn’t all-or-nothing, and if you miss a few days early on you get a whole new start with the next month. And you can choose the amount to pay that feels serious enough to keep you in the Csallenge on days you’re feeling like you don’t wanna, but won’t make you despair if you genuinely can’t for a few days. (I’m setting “perfect” as 80%, so you get 6 days leeway per month anyway.)
Click through to pay what will keep you participating in the challenge:
Click here to pay $9 per month.
Click here to pay $19 per month.
Click here to pay $39 per month.
Click here to pay $79 per month.
Click here to pay $129 per month.

(It’s clunky, I know, but I couldn’t figure out any other way to allow people to choose different amounts for the same product AND pay monthly AND connect to the email list for delivery, all together.)

(Note that it will bill you that amount every month through March, at which point I’ll cancel everyone’s payments because the challenge will be over, unless we decide to keep going. You can cancel your own payments at any point.)
Questions? Hit me up at @magdapecsenye on IG or Threads, or @pecsenye.bsky.social at Bluesky


BUY NOW by choosing an amount to pay up in the middle of this page and clicking through one of the linked amounts. It’ll take you to a payment page, and then you pay, and then you get the email with all the links for the checklist and User’s Guide and Discord invitation.