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Is your hiring an uphill battle?
Are the managers in your organization struggling?
Are people leaving with bad feelings and you didn’t even have a chance to keep them?
That’s all the same problem, with a very direct solution that’s unique to your organization.

The core issue is that you haven’t ever aligned your people management strategy with your organizational values, or you don’t have a people management strategy to begin with. It’s a super-common problem (because it’s an invisible problem) and it leads to just implementing whatever mediocre noncontroversial methods of the decade are for hiring, team communications, incentives, actual management processes, leadership development, retention, and engagement.
Mediocre processes lead to mediocre outcomes, which is why your hiring process is like marching through wet cement, no one talks to anyone, managers don’t want to be managers, people leave because they can’t handle their managers, and it’s a constant dance of trying to fit new initiatives on top of the same old mess.
The solution is to discern and articulate your organization’s values, and then create processes that align with those values, so you’re attracting and retaining solid people who thrive in your specific organization.
It sounds like it’s going to be brutal and long to untangle, but it’s not. We bring together a select group of your people to articulate your organization’s values around people, then we use the ideals we’ve created to design your people processes one at a time. Simple, straightforward, and designed by you, not some external expert who doesn’t understand your organization.
Ready to go? Email me at Magda @ this domain. If you want to know more about the logistics or thought process behind all of this, click here.